Welcome to Whiteparish Parish Council.
Whiteparish is a vibrant community with around 1,500 people split between Wiltshire and the New Forest National Park.
Your Parish Council is here to help you. If you have a problem or concern about something locally, just get in touch with the Parish Clerk and she will be able to advise you as to how you should proceed. It may be that it is something that the Parish Councillors can do or it may be that a particular issue needs to be raised with another body. Your views are important to us and there is also an opportunity to speak, ask questions, or raise matters of concern before the formal meeting starts, there is no need to sit through the rest of the meeting unless you wish to do so.
Parish Councillors are elected by the local community and form the level of local government that is closest to the community. Whiteparish Parish Council has eleven Councillors, the work they carry out is entirely voluntary and they do not receive payment for attending the regular council meetings.
All Parish Councils depend for most of their income on the Parish Precept, which is part of the Council Tax. Only Parish Councils and Parliament have unlimited power to raise as much funding as is needed. Being acutely aware of this, councillors do their utmost not to raise unnecessary funds.
Wiltshire Council maintains the roads, cuts the grass verges and salts the roads if necessary. The Parish Council is responsible for some grass cutting, the bus shelter, notice boards, benches, the skatepark and some tree maintenance. We understand that issues closer to home are equally important to residents and so from securing street lighting, to making footpaths safer, to liaising with land owners to clear vegetation causing an obstruction we endeavour to help whenever we can.